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Women's Wrestling: Fight for Sanctioning

The sanctioning of women's wrestling at the high school level has been a topic of conversation in the wrestling community for years, but has become much more prevalent as more and more states pursue sanctioning of the sport.

I was a female wrestler in Iowa (a state that does not have women's wrestling) and have been an advocate for sanctioning for years, to no avail. This is disappointing considering Iowa's rich wrestling heritage. Iowa continues to fall further and further behind as the number of sanctioned states grows

There are a multitude of reasons for sanctioning women's wrestling, but I would like to provide another: a statistical argument. Below, I have provided a report that I completed for a college econometrics course. I had the opportunity to study how data can be related statistically and I was curious to see if my statement, "Women's wrestling participation will grow if it becomes sanctioned at the state level" had a basis in facts. That is what I discuss in the report below:

Women's Wrestling- Fight for Sanctioning
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The data shows that with sanctioning there is a significant increase in participation.

The time is now.

I am once again left with the question: When will Iowa finally sanction women's wrestling?

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