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USA Wrestling Card



All athletes that wrestle at Watters Wrestling Club need an active USA Wrestling card. 

Why do I need a USA Wrestling card?

Watters Wrestling Club is a USA Wrestling Chartered Club. This means that athletes and coaches need to have memberships through USA Wrestling. This provides Watters Wrestling Club with club liability and facility insurance.


You will also need a USA Wrestling card to participate in any off-season tournaments that are sanctioned by USA Wrestling. 

How To Get Your
USA Wrestling Card:

Step 1: Visit and make an account for your athlete. 


Step 2: Once you have created your account, select the account and purchase a USA Wrestling Membership (If you are a scholarship athlete, email after you have created an account). If you plan to compete in off-season tournaments you will need to purchase a 'Full Athlete Membership'. If you just plan to come to practice you can purchase a 'Limited Folkstyle Membership'. When you are paying for your membership, you will be given the option to buy a plastic copy of your card. You do not need to do this, you can just print or take a screenshot of your card. 


Step 3: Please bring a printed copy or a screenshot of your card to your first practice. 


If you have any questions please email


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